Thursday, February 28, 2008


Me and my friends were playing star wars role playing game last week and we were making all these crazy aliens genetically engineered and I decided to draw a few. This is a Chiss and a dentari, now I know that most of you won't have a clue what i am talking about so I will give a brief description of both races. A Chiss is a blue skinned,black haired humanoid with completely red eyes that glow. They are known for the intelligent and discipline. The best known Chiss is Admiral Thrawn probably the best military genius in star wars. Dentari are basically cave men none to smart but exceedingly strong. This combination makes the perfect solder strong, smart and discipline. I know they wouldn't have red hair but I like it. I may actually complete this picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Alf,
Like this one alot,your drawing matches the description exactly.....have been a big star wars fan myself for ages. Looking forward to seeing more.