Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tears of Sorrow

I am so near to finishing it. I am very happy with how it is coming along, the darkening really made it look a lot better. There is so much deferent in this picture then to my other pictures that my dad thought it wasn't my work. I am going to fix up the crow cause it doesn't look all that good. pleas click to enlarge so you can get the full benefit from the picture.


Anonymous said...

Whoa Alf I really like this, very dark and yet as you say sorrowful. I am glad you put the crow in, but methinks in does need bringing forward a tad, perhaps lightening it a little so it stands out against the dark. Great colour choices too.

Alf said...

thank you I worked pretty hard on this picture. Good idea I will try that with the crow.
thank you for commenting it means a lot to me to have a much more experienced artiest like my work.